Tyler Starr
20 September 2008 from 1541-1556
Location: The small garden north or Eaton Hall
Weather: 66 ̊ F, overcast skies, no wind.
General: I came to the north side of campus for the third time in a row now. I really like how secluded it is on this side. No one comes through here on the way to classes or dorms or anything like that, because all of the buildings on campus are to the south. It’s so peaceful and relaxing. A few bees are buzzing from flower to flower, but not as many as in the botanical gardens. The flowers are a variety of colors, including white, pink, red, orange, and yellow. Each one has a small plaque underneath it with a title for the flower, and then a commemoration of somebody. It is pretty peaceful right now—there aren’t even that many cars driving along State Street on my back. I hear a few cars, but most of the sounds consist of several different birdcalls. The most prominent is the “cawing” from the crows across the street next to the capitol building. There is also a standard “tweet tweet,” as well as a loud, screech-like call from across the street. I saw yet another squirrel today. This one was a lot smaller than most. Perhaps it was just born this summer. It didn’t seem to be too frightened of me. When I leaned back on the bench I was sitting on, I got poked in the head by some thorns. The plant was a climber, and it had red thorns along its branches.