17 November 2008

13 November 2008
Lawn by the chicken fountain.
On the way to my French class today I got very distracted and ended up being about fifteen minutes late. Anyway the reason I became distracted in the first place was there were all these fallen leaves in the grass. First I notice one that had five arms of all different lengths. But what was most interesting was how this particular leaf did not completely change from green to red. Instead it got caught up in the transition and ended up somewhere in the middle with some of it still solidly green while other parts were glowing ember colored. The other nice leaf I found was of the same shape so perhaps the same tree, but this one had three red prong arms, while the other two were still yellow. What made this leaf super interesting was its abrupt change from red to yellow, it was like there was a curvy line defining the two part of the leaf. My final find was a smaller had three arms but had many jagged fingers coming off. It was pure red but I you look closer there was a darker red border all around it.

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