16 November 2008

Obs Nov 14

Phil Colburn
14 November 2008
Location: Chicken Fountain
Time: 10:15-10:35
Weather: Sunny

Today I went to the Chicken fountain to relax and make my observation immediately after multivariable calculus class. All the sound I can hear is the chicken fountain gurgling and streaming. The grass around the fountain is a bright green, and there are bushes that are a darker green on the other side facing the Putnam University center. I see several small birds flitting around in the space between the bushes and the UC, but I was unable to get close enough to identify them. They were probably some type of swallow, because they were so small and they had the same flight patterns as a swallow.

Picture courtesy of http://lh5.ggpht.com/_ci5p8pnN1ZU/RtJCVvogqWI/AAAAAAAAAG4/YRNERjJjptc/DSC00818.JPG

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