12 September 2008

7 September 2008, Minto Brown

At 1420 hours, I am walking the path that runs parallel to the Willamette River.  It is sunny today and very warm, but not necessarily hot.

Although the river is right next to me, I cannot see it.  The bank slopes down and lining the path and obstructing my view are rows and rows of blackberry bushes.  Stopping to inspect one, I notice that their vines have thorns, like rose bushes and are thick and tough.  The blackberries themselves are not very sweet-tasting, but the concept behind them is still very cool.  Looking to the other side of the path, there are rows and rows of trees, Poplars.  They are tall and do a nice job of shading me from the sun's rays.  At the base of the Poplars are groups of flowers that grow fairly tall.  They are white and at the very tops of the stems.  There aren't many animals around, but over the top of me a turkey vulture flies.  Its wings are spread wide and are dark as the sun hits the top of it and I see the bottom.

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