12 September 2008

Jane Martin-9-9-08

J. Martin
9 September 2008
I am sitting with my back to the millstream and Smith auditorium, looking at the left side of Putnam. I decided to sit there because I like the bright pink flowers that are the only flowers of their kind in that area. The vibrant color caught my eye earlier today and I decided to try to identify the kind. With no such luck I found 2 types that they slightly resemble. They resemble both Skyrocket (Ipomopsis Aggregata) flowers and Red Columbines (Aquilegia Formosa). The color is very different in the flowers I am looking at to the 2 that it resembles. They are 2-lipped flowers and hang from the top of the stems. They almost look as though they are wilting but I think they are supposed to look that way because the plant looks very healthy. As I glance around I notice some bushes maybe 8-10 feet tall and they have red/orange and green leaves. The red/orange leaves are facing the sun. It seems as though they have changed color because of their direct open path from the sun. The green leaves are tucked under the others and on the backside of the bush. It does not look like they get as much sunlight, which is why I believe they are still green. As I get up to leave I notice the sky. The sun is setting and all I see is yellow fading to a grey/blue color. It looks calm and serene. I turn around to look at the whole sky and I notice a tree that looks very strange. It is on the opposite side of the millstream from me and it is completely slanted as if the wind has blown it towards the library. It is very strange because the tree looks healthy but it is on a complete curve. The branches and leaves seem to have grown in such a way so that if the wind blows really hard they wont be bothered. There is also a bare spot where it looks like the wind hits the tree the hardest. I would like to take a picture but my camera s in my room, and it is almost dark.

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