09 November 2008

07 November 2008: Map

Rose Dickson

07 November 2008

1140 – 1232 hours

Willamette University campus, Salem, OR, USA

61 degrees, mostly cloudy

            For our colloquium class on Friday the 7th, Tory and I decided to draw a map of campus in hopes that our direction would lead the class. We drew the campus from bird’s eye view, adding important landmarks to indicate placement. I noticed that many of the important parts of campus are not classrooms or dormitories, instead they are natural attractions like the mill stream, the botanical gardens, the quad and the star trees. These four are only a few examples of Willamette’s natural settings, and they are also the four places I enjoy the most. I am so thankful I go to a school where environment plays a large role in the landscape. I think many people can forget how important nature is when going about their busy everyday life. However, Willamette campus makes overlooking nature almost impossible to do. The accessibility of these four landmarks and others, shows the importance Willamette places on environment and reminds everyone of nature’s significance as soon as one steps outside. 

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