09 November 2008

leaf cakes

Date: 5 November, 2008
Time: 1500
Weather: Overcast, breezy, 54 degrees
Location My room in kaneko

I got back from an outing this afternoon and walked across my room. Then as I turned around to go back to the other side of the room, I freaked out for a bit when I noticed a brown clump on the floor that looked exactly like dog poo. Upon going closer to examine it better, I noticed that is was made up mostly of leaves and had no offensive odors. Eventually, I got up enough courage to pick it up and was relieved when I came to the conclusion that I had not tracked dog poo into my room, but rather leaf mush that was stuck to the bottom of my shoes. This is something I have never experienced before becuase at home when there are that many leaves on the ground they are very dry and then they all blow away before it snows.

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