09 November 2008

09 November 2008: Spider Guts

Rose Dickson

09 November 2008

1100 – 1122 hours

The corner of 12th St. and State St. on Willamette University campus, Salem, OR, USA

62 degrees, overcast

            Walking to breakfast this brisk but beautiful morning, I make a similar mistake that I did in a past entry. Brushing my hand casually against the bushes on the corner of 12th and State, I felt a tickling on my palm. A tickling that was neither a branch nor a leaf. I subconsciously tightened my fingers in hopes to scratch the disturbance, however, to my shock the tickle was a spider that now lied dead in my hands. In nervous fright I attempted to brush off the smashed mess, but instead rubbed in the guts even further. Even though this unfortunate event was an accidental mistake, the ill-fated spider left a sad impression on my mind. Where is his family? Have I disturbed the peace of this quite little creature? What effects does this event have on the surrounding environment? I calm my distressed mind with the thought of a world in constant motion, death and life in infinite abundance. My manipulation on the environment is only a small influence on nature overall. A circle of change and creation. 

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