12 October 2008

11 October 2008: Stars and Clouds

Rose Dickson

11 October 2008

2305 – 2329 hours

Middle of the quad on Willamette University campus, Salem, OR, USA

39 degrees, clear

            Brrrrrr. It is freezing outside tonight. The absence of the clouds creates a bone chilling freshness affecting all who inhabit the surrounding area. I sit bundled up with a few friends in the center of the quad on Willamette University campus.  I wonder how strange it is to think that the lack of clouds actually creates a cooler temperature. Clouds seem, in my opinion, to give an automatic hint towards cold weather. However, they really act as an insulator to earth. Besides the chilling weather, the lack of clouds also creates a clearer view of the stars, something that seems completely foreign to campus life. Taking a moment to gaze at the stars, I notice the way they cluster above my eyes and disperse father and father as my vision extends. I want to see more. I become annoyed with the light pollution Salem produces. I long to gaze at the stars in a secluded, natural environment. This annoyance reminds me of the importance of escaping into nature, my goal for the next month is to take a weekend and completely immerse myself into nature. Schedule a time a few friends and I could take a camping trip. A more elaborate, detailed observation on the stars should be expected.  

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