08 November 2008

Tyler Starr: 11/8, The Quad

Tyler Starr

8 November 2008 from 1230-1245

Location: The northwest corner of the Quad

Weather: 55 ̊ F, no wind, raining on and off

General: It was misting slightly as I sat on Quad. A heavy bout of rain had just ended, so I decided to do an observation. The rain makes everything feel clean and refreshed. Many more leaves fell from the trees due to the force of the rain. One interesting thing that I noticed was that later, as I was walking to the football game, Pringle Creek was a very murky brown color, almost reminiscent of chocolate milk. The Mill Stream looked like that earlier this week, and I wonder if somehow the rain triggers a disruption of the sediment. The middle of the Quad is very wet and muddy. A crow descended upon the southwest corner of the Quad and was picking at the ground. Perhaps it is eating worms that come up from the ground during the rain. The squirrels, however, are not really out at all. I guess they don’t like the rain too much. It seems like all of the big trees along the north side of the Quad are in the process of losing their leaves. I can see three non-coniferous trees that are still completely green, and a couple that are mostly green. The days continue to get shorter and shorter now, so I’d imagine most of the leaves on campus will be gone soon.

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