22 September 2008

Hooray! I found it :)

Observer: Estella Yee
Date: 22 September
Location: SW of Montag, North of Writing Center
Time: 1432-1456
Weather: 61˚F, brisk, sunny day

After scouring the campus for a near week, I finally found my allusive tree. Returning from the side of the campus along ΣΑΕ, I peered around the carefully maintained landscape, looking past a one-foot tall plant that appeared somewhat like a woolly mullein, with spikes of vibrant yellow. Giving up my search for the day, I was suddenly hit by the sight of an inconspicuous looking tree. It was about 20-foot high and 10 inches in diameter around the trunk. The trunk possessed a light tan brown color with veins of a pale red running vertically. At the base of the trunk, the tree appeared to have begun growing straight up, yet the current position of the tree creates a 60˚ angle with the ground, pointing toward the West. It most likely followed the sun as it grew. The slender limbs shot upward in an exponential curve despite the arc of the trunk. The leaves were the most unique and the prime capturer of my immediate adoration. They were fan shaped! The young tree could only be the gingko. The single fronds had parallel venation that radiated from the stem. Likewise, the leaves were arranged on the branch in clusters. Along the edges of the leaf was a golden hue, and as the sun rose behind the tree, one could see the leaves clearly defined by a halo. The only question is whether this one was a male or female. The latter would bear the distinguishing aromatic seeds that are currently clamed to have memory boosting affects. I wonder when the leaves would drop. Would the phenology be similar to the rest of the deciduous trees?

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