21 September 2008

Wilson Park

Leo Castillo
September 17,2008
Wilson Park (looking East) Salem, Oregon.
78 Degrees.
Today after lunch I went over to Wilson Park to hangout and see what I could fine. Heading over to the park I see the ring of flags with a green bright lawn which a squirrels roles around looking or wondering for something. I spot a bench and decide to sit on, and right in front is the pool of water. This pool is shaped in a rectangular form, two of its sides are bent in and on the outside of this pool there is a fence. This fence is to stop kids from going into it or just to make it look good. As I keep wondering, I see a couple of punks smoking on the other side of this pool of water. I can also see the area in which we had class one time. Still there and those statues are just chilling there not moving what so ever. The capital on my right just shines when the sun hit the statue and even on cloudy days it still glows in gold. Looking at my watch I can tell it’s time to head back to campus.

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