22 September 2008


21 September 2008


Balcony of Keneko commons


            This is the first day of rain this season. It is interesting I am sitting on my balcony watching the steady drizzle come down. I first begin to notice it how the rain here in Salem Oregon is much different that the rain that I have experience in Santa Cruz, California. Here, the sky turned from blue to a clouded grey about two days ago. Then today around 11 am a steady rain that was not much more than a drizzle came down for about 4 hours. This is very different for the rain that I have seen in California because there when it rains it is a very violent situation. The rain pours for only a brief period and then stops. So today observing the rain from my balcony is a very interesting and new experience for me. It looks like this grey sheet moving toward the earth. And this sheet is a never ending being coming down. I must say it does put a dampening on plans to go out in the world. However there is a calming aspect to the steadiness of the rain, which is calling and easy to fall in love with. 

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