19 October 2008

15 October 2008: Mating Season?

Rose Dickson

15 October 2008

1605 – 1629 hours

White garden chair facing the Bistro, next to the mill stream on Willamette University campus, Salem, OR, USA

57 degrees, clear

            One of my favorite aspects of the Willamette University Campus is the mill stream. It is a great place to relax and spend time in the afternoon. However, it can be really difficult to concentrate on your homework when the beauty of nature is completely surrounding you. As I sit attempting to reread A Sand County Almanac for my colloquium class, I can’t help but direct my wandering attention on a bug with no mercy for my studies. This creepy-crawly has been flying into my arm for the past 2 minuets. I wonder what’s wrong with it? Bugs normally mind their own business, why must this one be so persistent? I take a second glance at my provoker, and I notice it is not just a single bug, there are two! Well, it looks like it must be mating season. Now I can better understand the lack of attention paid to the couple’s direction of movement. Individually, they are about the size of a gnat, with a brownish gray body and small wings. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get a long enough look at the critters to classify their true identity. Then again, if I do turn out to be right about the bug’s “activities”, it’s a guarantee I’ll be seeing more of these little buggers around campus in the next few weeks. 

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