13 October 2008
Outside Shepard
It is windy and chilly outside as the many leaves around me rustle and turn. The sky is pale and also light, but I feel as though it's about to rain. Leaves are shaking themselves off of trees and fallings like raindrops of gold and brown. Even the bushes low to the ground shiver their broad green leaves in the wind. I notice a giant hole on one of the big trees 30 yards in front of me, it looks like a branch was cut off. I just saw a lone gray squirrel run along the open grass 20 yards ahead of me, insert itself into its full posture in front of a barren bush, and than skimper out of site. One of the bushes across the street looks particularly bright with its yellowish leaves, they seem to glow. The air around me is moist as I hear a bird call overhead.

14 October 2008
Outside Eaton Hall
The air is very cold outside and the wind greatly emphasizes this fact. I see a gray squirrel running around throuhg the grass, no doubt seeking heat from the sun. Leaves scatter the ground and I see a huge broad shaped tree ahead of me. Many plants in this area are thick and green, providing perfect isolated alcoves for small forms of wildlife. I notice a very strange plant part on the ground. It is smooth at the stalk, than rigid and finally has a plume of white fluff that resembles cotton sprouting from the end. I notice another crushed specimen of the same plant about two feet away. Looking up, I see it grows on the tree above me, and it looks like it may be a sort of fruit.

15 October 2008
Outside Shepard
The weather has been very cold and windy with the mist shrouding the air earlier this morning. It is still cold, but not as windy and the mist has gone. I observe what I think to be around 30 ants scurrying about along the concrete line, it appears my earlier observation on where their nest lies in the fertile nsoil may be correct. The wall of green plants in front of me are thick as ever as I hear a very soft bird chirp nearby and feel a few raindrops land on my jacket. The soil looks less crusted than before and many of the ants seem to be in the process of scurrying back to their colony. I can hear a crow fly overhead as I catch a glimpse of it against the sky. The plants are moving little today. The raindrops seem to have stopped.

16 October 2008
The Millstream
The river is very low. I have been observing a group of five ducks, three mallards and two hens swimming in it. They are actualy walking in the shallows as much as they are swimming, an interesting sight. They are wading their way upstream against the steady current. I noice a group of what seems to be green leaves covered by white fur, giving them a translucent appearance. It reminds me of a layer of frost covering plants in late fall. The ducks are now much further upstream, fighting their way against the current and now a wall of rocks. I note two bees drifting among the different white colored plants, perhaps they have pollen among them. The ducks continue to move upstream.
17 October 2008
The Quad
The sun covers a barren field with morning dew reflecting off the light. The air is cool and crisp and there is hardly any wind blowing. I notice distinct dirt patches in the tide 0f rolling grass and I can hear various birds chirping overhead. I see a bee hovering around the clumps of dirt, seeming to search for something. I notice a few yellow leaves dropping from a tree with wide branches colored both green and yellow, a stange sight. There are two similar trees next to it, though not the same color variation. I think the bird may be in one of those trees.
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