24 October 2008

Ring around the rosy

Observer: Estella Yee
Date: 10-24
Location: Rose Garden south of the Capital
Time: 0803-0820
Weather: 41˚F, foggy

Similar to the Botanical Gardens, the rose garden had its own appeal to me this day. The fragrant clusters of blossoms opening up in the shrouding fog reminded me of the interesting combination of thorns and beauty of the rose. Everywhere I looked, more than half of the roses were blooming or at least had the blossoms forming. The colors ranged from peaches and mauves to yellows and oranges. A variety of vines and shrubs decorated the square expanse, every one a hybrid of the rose with the telltale thorns, fresh petals, and signs to assist in identification. All added to the eloquent smell and texture within the white curtain of fog. Several benches were arranged along the path for visitors’ leisure and any persons that would stroll by on their way to work. It was eerily silent for a moment without any audible birdsongs, before a wave of automobiles rushed by to add a hint of burning gasoline to the perfume. I considered the location once more, thinking it beneficial for the public walkers as an elegant sight, but less so for relaxing due to the noise and sometimes overpowering gasoline odor. I did not see any honeybees at the time, but I realized that the pollution in the air could lessen the chances that the bees would visit, as they might be unable to catch the scent or see the blossoms.

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