19 October 2008

Spider At Work

Leo Castillo
15 October 2008
Location: By the bridge next to Goudy.
Climate: 60 Degree.
Time 1:00pm-1:30pm
Heading back to my dorm from lunch as I was crossing the bridge I suddenly see this shiny string that catches my attention. It’s a spider web that’s just being itself by the bridge, this spider web is a shiny string that connects one side of the bridge to the other and therefore it shines bright when the sun light hits it. I believe this was a female spider because of it’s mittens and it giant size. The spiders never really move while I was making my observation buts as I got closer to it is started to move, the web was the most interesting part of all, along with the giant size it this spider. As you can see it has little hairs allover there body especially on there back and along there legs too. This spider is at work as you can see, holding the ends of the web and putting them together.

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