19 October 2008

17 October 2008: Historic Deepwood Estate

Rose Dickson

17 October 2008

1300 – 1315 hours

Historic Deepwood Estate, Salem, OR, USA

61 degrees, Haze

            On a nature walk with my colloquium class we visited the Historic Deepwood Estate in Salem, Oregon.  While walking around the grounds, I was in awe at the cultivated charm in this piece of preserved history. However, as we walked a little further I noticed the influence of man became less and less, and soon it was purely a natural landscape. This more earthy scenery, to me, is a different kind of beautiful but definitely equally if not more capable of capturing my eye. As I looked at one of the maple trees I noticed how huge the leaves are. One single leaf could easily be much larger than my own head. Then I imagined how many of these leaves one tree must carry, there are thousands, while I only have 1! As we walk back into the gardened area, my eye is pulled to an extremely beautiful berry. The berries were turquoise, indigo and purple. My three favorite colors, and how beautiful they look together. I wanted so badly to try one of these marvelously colored treats, but I decided otherwise as I remember you can never judge a book by it’s cover!

Photo courtesy of:http://www.historicdeepwoodestate.org/historic/estate/salem_oregon/C4/

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