25 October 2008

Tyler Starr: 10/25 am, Botanical Gardens

Tyler Starr

25 October 2008 from 1145-1200

Location: The Martha Springer Botanical Gardens, on a retaining wall in the small woods off the northeast corner of Sparks

Weather: 55 ̊ F, 5-10 mph winds, clear skies

General: I perched myself on the retaining wall and tried to limit my movements to see what would pop up. The first noticeable thing I observed was a hummingbird that came out of nowhere to a hummingbird feeder about 10 to 15 feet in front of me. It hovered, wings beating incredibly fast, while feeding from the feeder. It remained there for a fair amount of time, and then zoomed off as quickly as it came. I could not see it well enough to identify a species. I did notice that its head was darker than its body, and obviously, it was very small. In my stillness, I also got an interesting observation of a squirrel. It seemed wary of me, and would sit still for quite a while staring at me. It would creep close, but then jump back. It was downwind from me, so perhaps it could smell me, since I wasn’t moving at all. I also noticed a bunch of holes in the dirt, ranging from between an eighth to a quarter of an inch. Based on their size, they must belong to some sort of insect. They were near the roots of a dead tree, and one was actually in the wood, so perhaps they are termites?

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