28 September 2008

Collin's Observations Week 3

22 September 2008
Shepard Hall

It is a cold and slightly overcast afternoon. Brown leaves litter the ground everywhere. Fall is certainly here. The leaves and sticks to my left look cool laid out on the ground. The sticks cover the base of a mossy trunk who's green leaves have not yet fallen., despite more brown ones falling as I write this. Moss and dirt have fallen in the crevices of the concrete. I hear the sharp call of a nearby bird, followed by some chirps. Now I hear it again to my left and then once more to my right. I think they are communicating.

23 September 2008
The Quad

The sun is beating down and warming the empty space of grass that is the quad. I see a row of still trees in the distance that defy the cold wind blowing on my skin. As people walk by, I notice the sun casting long shadows behind them. The far side of the quad is raised slightly, making the Quad almost a sort of pit. There is one small yellow tree that looks out of place with the green giants looming behind it. That small yellow tree seems to be the only representative of Fall here on the Quad. I just saw two dragonflies float past me and then seperate, vanishing into the sunlight.


24 September 2008
Shepard Hall

It is overcast and chilly outside, and a slight drizzle is growing into rain. The call of nearby crows pierce the almost misty air around me. the rain makes everything look green as it begins in earnest. Leaves scatter the ground and a nearby bird chirps again. Bushes around me form an enclave and I imagine they provide a home for various insects. There is a wall of mist comming don and shrouding the ground, providing a unique view of the far trees now veiled in the mist. It continues to rain now. Wind shakes the leaves around me as the rain really begins.


28 September 2008
Shepard Hall

It is relatively warm outside, shadows are dancing and wind is rustling the trees. Leaves scattered over the ground indicates that fall is here. Looking around at the trees, however, they are still green and full of leaves, although the ground has gray patches of grass in it. The dull tone in the landscape helps to emphasize the features on the trees. They are numerous and full in the distance. I notice ferns growing along the bases of the trees, with some brown intertwined with the green, creating an interesting contrast in color. This plant also seems to signal Fall.

28 September 2008

It is hot outside as I observe a bee flying around in the grass. The water seems to bl flowing at a steady pace, and it sparkles in the sunlight. The trees are casting long shadows on the grass and their leaves don't seem to be falling. I notice a variety of bugs zooming around the broad base of a tree. They seem to be avoiding the heat of the day. The rocks in the stream act like moderators for the current, soaking up the sun's rays as they direct the current. It seems as if summer still remains at this point of the stream.


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