28 September 2008

Getting Yelled at by a Squirrel

Observer: Eloise Bacher

Date: 25 September, 2008

Time: 1215- 1230

Place: Outside the library, parking lot side.

Weather: Some wind, a few clouds.

I heard something chattering in one of the large trees on the south side of the library. It sounded like it should be a bird, but wasn't. As I got closer I saw it was a squirrel screaming at something. It was making this "chuck"ing noise, both raspy and high pitched. Every time it uttered one of these noises its tail flicked at the same time. As I got closer it began alternating the original noise with a more curious-sounding one, like s/he was asking a question. I tried to talk back, but human throats are not made to make squirrel noises. As I moved around the tree, s/he followed me, leaping to different branches and peering down. S/he seemed both curious and wary, and probably a little confused about my attempts to speak hir language. Eventually s/he scampered onto the roof of the library, went to another tree closer to the chicken fountain, and started laughing at me.

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