29 September 2008

We are like old bird feeding ladies.

26 September 2008


The grounds around the Oregon capital building.

The goal of Colloquium class today was to feed squirrels in the capital building area. It was interesting, small animals like that kind of creep me out. So we fed peanuts to the squirrels that were very apt to eating these gifts. It was however very entertaining to watch these odd little animals react to getting to peanuts. Some of the squirrels would immediately eat the nuts, but some of the other squirrels would burry the nuts for another time. What was interesting about this was that the squirrels don’t know exactly were they burry the food but always burry it in a general area and later go and search around in their typical area for food. Unfortunately I don’t believe these are very smart creatures. Also sometimes there would be two or more squirrels attempting to get the same nut so they would get into small territorial battles as to which animal would get the nut. I appeared that usually the squirrel that won this mini feud would be slightly larger and not so scrawny. Which leads me to believe that these dominate squirrels may be the older more mature squirrels. Another thing that the squirrels did was to dart around back and fort in an extremely strange manor. The best explanation that I can think of it there is a large amount of Meth here, so perhaps it has gotten into the squirrels diet here. Over all I do find these odd little animals slightly endearing and this was quite a fun Friday activity.


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