28 September 2008


Date: 27 September 2008
Climate: 63 degrees, warm
Location: walking around salem
So today i walked outside and was flabbergasted at how warm it was, especially comparing it to the past few days that have been very chilly.  I like this warm weather but i was beginning to get used to the chilly weather.  I love to be able to sleep with all my comforters on my bed as opposed to just a sheet.  This is such a random weather pattern.  it is very hot then it is very chilly and it is so strange how it is constantly changing.  I hear people talking who just walked past me saying it is supposed to go up to about 90 degrees this week.  It is nice to be warm but that is too hot for me.  I looked up the weather for the rest of the week when i got back and saw that in fact it is supposed to become very hot this week.  But i am very glad that it is not predicted to rain.  That would not be fun for it to be extremely hot and raining.  As i walk past these little shops i notice people running, biking, walking, conversing.  It is nice to see so many people appreciating the weather today and i am sure they will be out all week while it is nice.  There are definitely more people out today than there were the days that it was cold.  


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