Time: 2243-2301
Climate: about 50 degrees, a bit windy
Date: 24 September 2008
Place: Bellevue Street
So i am walking southeast down Bellevue Street towards Sparks Field. I needed a break from my studies so i decided to talk around. While i was walking i noticed hundreds of pine cones that had not been there a few nights before. I noticed they were from large trees that tower over the hedges surrounding the tennis courts. They are so much bigger than i had expected for trees merely along the outskirts of a parking lot. The trees had long pines as opposed to leaves. The fallen pines were brown and covering the ground in a layer and in some spots it was about 1-cm thick of dead fallen pines. The pine cones were all over and it made me wonder what these trees are. After trying to figure them out the closest that i found to their physical attributes would have to be the Ponderosa Pine but for some reason i do not think that is right. I took one of the pine cones to take back for further research but i had no such luck. I begin to look around and notice that i cannot see any stars in the sky and the ones that i think i can see are so faint that they might as well not be visible. It is sad because even though i am from such a big city i can still see hundreds, thousands of stars most nights. Here it is almost too overcast to see them every night. I love to look at the sky. Whenever i can see the stars i try to locate the north star just so that everywhere i go i can find it. But it is definitely not visible in plain sight tonight, unfortunately...
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