11 October 2008

Environmental Science class-10-10-2008

Time: 0937-1000
Date: 10 October 2008
Climate:45 degrees, cold, overcast
Location: end of the mill stream in between law buildings
For my environmental science class we were assigned a field book writing assignment about the restoration of the mill stream.  Kaitlyn and i went to the very end of the Mill stream to observe and saw some very interesting things.  We walked there and there is a waterfall.  I did not remember ever seeing a waterfall however it is quite obvious due to its size and the noise it makes.  It is loud, and has rushing water flowing very quickly over it.  It is interesting to me that the stream is so fast here because in some spots it is almost completely still.  There are many many pine trees around, and huge oak trees towering above me.  There is a grate at the end of the stream so i cant see where the water exactly goes when it gets to this point.  The roads pick up and that is all you can see.  I picked up a bunch of different pine cones to try and identify them and figure out which came from what tree but i was unsuccessful.  There are a lot of different leaves on the ground, varying a bit in shape and size.  The ground is covered with acorns, pine cones, and fallen leaves that are all a dull brown.  They are all dead on the ground but the trees around me still seem healthy.  This part of the mill stream seems very rustic but when you walk towards the law buildings, it looks more and more taken care of, and logistically planned and thought out.  I like this area more because it really feels like nature as opposed to the non native plants and flowers that are put to brighten the area.  


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