05 October 2008


Observer: Eloise Bacher
Date: 4 October, 2008
Time: 1014-1030
Location: Outside Kaneko, between the pool and the train tracks.
Weather: Mostly cloudy, windy.

The clouds keep shifting to reveal sunlight and some blue sky, but the temperature is still reasonable and it's much windier than it has been in a while. Blowing from the south/southwest, and it smells like it's bringing rain. We'll see how that plays out later. It feels like it's actually fall now, both because of the weather and because of what the trees are doing. The line of trees between Kaneko and the railroad tracks, those that are deciduous that is, are turning color. One to my left has sudden yellow patches of leaves, and a white barked one has a few yellow and brown ones. It's leaves are fluttering extremely quickly, like aspen leaves. Perhaps it is an aspen? I don't even know what they look like, just that their leaves flutter spastically.

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