05 October 2008

Raccoons and Morning Glories

Observer: Eloise Bacher

Date: 30 September, 2008

Time: 1203-1225

Location: Botanical Garden

Weather: Cloudy with occasional breaks of sunlight.

The raccoon tracks are still here, although blurred and some obliterated by water from the sprinklers. Now they're raccoon paw shaped pools. The domestic dog one is almost completely gone though. What made that one more easily destroyed? Is is because it's right next to, almost on, the path? I can't find any new tracks, but if I check often enough there should be some; a gardener said that he'll put out sunflower seeds for them and that they move through this area. Up ahead there are Morning Glories, and they look like they're glowing in what little sun there is. They're an ultraviolet, but with pink, blue, and white. I'd love to be able to reproduce that color on paper. It's hard to believe that they're invasive; they look so delicate and pretty. Maybe it's just on a smaller scale than Himalayan Blackberry?

1 comment:

Estella Yee said...

I think only perennial morning glories are invasive because like English ivies, they continue to grow throughout the year. Regular garden morning glories are annuals and die out with winter...supposedly.