26 October 2008

20 October 2008: Leaves

Rose Dickson

20 October 2008

1507 – 1529 hours

In front of the art building on Willamette University campus, Salem, OR, USA

51 degrees, clear

             Looking up at a tree near the outside of the art building on Willamette University campus, I notice that a few of the leaves are suspended in midair. That is impossible, no leaf can float in place for a long period of time. I question my vision, figuring my eyes must be playing tricks on me. However, as I step a little closer to the investigation I see that sure enough, there are leaves unattached to the tree and still billowing in the wind. Through further observation, I notice that the leaves are actually attached to spider webs coming off the tree. The webs act as a net that the leaves drop into as they fall from the branches. This sight, from a distance, seems like an extraordinary bit of magic, however, when taking a closer look you can easily see that it is just details in nature working together to create unique beauty.

Photo courtesy :p://farm1.static.flickr.com/114/271384390_51dc64fcbd.jpg?v=0

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