26 October 2008

Gwyn Meadows Farm 10-25-08

Date: 25 October 2008
Climate:50-60 degrees, windy, slight rain
Location: Gwyn Meadows Farm, Lansdale PA
Today i went to see my horse who i haven't seen since I came to school.  I rode her in the morning and spent the rest of the time taking care of her and helping the workers.  While waiting for people the finish up what they were doing, i decided to do an observation.  But before i start with the exact spot i was looking at, i will mention a few other things.  I was walking into the washing stalls and i noticed a rat, it looked as though it had eaten rat poison and was dying.  This was very disturbing and something made me want to just put it out of its misery and kill it but the other part of me couldn't do it, so I didn't.  Both seem a bit inhuman to me though.  So, as i sit at the picnic tables facing where Shearer and Schultz road intersect i notice at least 2 abandoned birds nests in a tree across from me over the wood chip pile.  The ground is dirt and rocks.  There are some dead leaves but it is mostly all just dusty dirt and some rocks from the driveway.  There are 3 piles of horse manure that their owners have neglected to clean up.  People are walking around in everything from tank tops to under armor and winter coats.  The sky is becoming increasingly darker and more overcast as the rain is starting.  People have left their saddles on the benches and they have hundreds of little water drops on them which is not good for the leather.  The trees are all changing colors so looking out into the fields it is beautiful.  The vibrant colors would give anyone a warm feeling when looking at them no matter if its raining or not.  It is very peaceful here.  This is my favorite place to go in the world.  This place has been my second home since i was 6 and it always will be.  I could sit here for hours.  


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