27 October 2008

Tyler Starr: 10/27, Mill Stream downstream from Campus

Tyler Starr

27 October 2008 from 1300-1320

Location: Along the Mill Stream downstream from campus, near the Salem Cinema

Weather: 59 ̊ F, clear skies, strong sun, very slight breeze occasionally

General: I am sitting in the warm sun, my feet resting on the rocks on the edge of a small offshoot of the Mill Stream. I can see the sandy bottom of the offshoot, about 1 ½ feet deep or so. Trees in a range of colors surround the pond-like body. Some trees are still green, while vibrant yellows, deep reds, and brilliant oranges capture the eye. Nine mallards are sitting in front of me, mostly sleeping in the sun. One of the male mallards has slightly different plumage from the others, most likely because it is a hybrid of domesticated and wild mallard species. The back of its neck has brown patches, and it is not as brilliant of a green color, but rather more black. Its entire back is more of a deep brown and black than the other’s, and its wings have more brown while the other males have more shades of white and off-white. Behind me is another interesting type of duck. It has been domesticated, bred to be especially big and meaty. It is unable to fly, and so will be spending the entire winter here. It is black and brown all over, except for a small white tuft on its chest.

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