31 October 2008

27 October 2008: Rabid Squirrel?

Rose Dickson

27 October 2008

1337 – 1350 hours

Walking past Willamette University’s College of Law on Willamette University campus, Salem, OR, USA

63 degrees, clear

            Finishing my colloquium class’s observation of the mill stream in relationship to the larger city of Salem, I walk back to campus and look forward to another days Goudy lunch. As I walk, Tory and I engage in casual conversation of Halloween ideas and out of nowhere a squirrel with a shocking stance thrusts itself at our feet. This encounter was unlike any other I have ever had with a squirrel. Even when I came so close to that baby squirrel, it was a mutual shyness and understanding between us. This time the squirrel seemed to be crazy and rabid. Unfortunately, because the animal shocked Tory and I so bad, we both ran from the situation screaming and did not get to observe farther. However, even with no scientific evidence to support my theory, I would, with reasonable confidence, claim that that squirrel possessed some sort of disease along the lines of rabies and was trying to bite us!

Photo courtesy: http://i.pbase.com/v3/64/603664/2/50930762.squirreltreeeating01b.jpg

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