26 October 2008

Observer: Eloise Bacher
Date: 26 October, 2008
Time: 1047-1105
Location: Woods to the south of my house.
Weather: Sunny.
It’s funny how the wind makes the light flicker all over the place. This is definitely not a still day…overnight the wind has shifted to be coming more from the east. The trees look like they are fighting to stay upright. It’s only a matter of time before one of them cracks and falls. It happens to a couple of the maples every year, and the fir that partially fell a few years ago will probably fall a little more, but still get nowhere near touching the ground. The maple leaves are mostly a yellowy-brown right now, but a few are red, and some of the leaves closer to the trunks are still green. Only the highest branches are bare of leaves, and soon the rest of the tree is going to follow suit.

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