27 October 2008

Barred Owl

A professor friend shared the following Barred Owl photo from her backyard at
592 Stagecoach Way, Salem OR. She also commented ....

"The owl was perched in a tree between our house and the pond (before swooping down on the squirrel on our patio, and then perching briefly on the rail of our deck). Fortunately, it was a weekend afternoon, so all of us (including a few extra teenage boys who were here that afternoon) got a good look."

This owl is notable because it is a close relative of the highly endangered Spotted Owl. Spotted Owls are further endangered by the invasion of Barred Owls from eastern North America which is unfortunate to feel a mixed sense of interest and dread with this sighting. This is the first account I have of a Barred Owl in a Salem backyard, but there may be other records.

David Craig
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