31 October 2008

30 October 2008: mmm Rotten Pumpkins

Rose Dickson

30 October 2008

1205 – 1230 hours

Matthews Dormitory on Willamette University campus, Salem, OR, USA

50 degrees, overcast

            Walking into my room after a wonderful lunch, I suddenly get the feeling of vomit in the back of my throat as I inhale a rotting smell. Last week my friends and I carved pumpkins in the hope that they would last us right up until Halloween. This smell now entering my nose informs me that our hopes have been diminished. As I check on my pumpkin that I cleverly carved to resemble my cat Otis, I notice dilapidation of his face. The entire outline of my carving has turned a festering brown color and it looks like this is only a hint to what I will find inside. I open the lid and cover my nose as I am confronted by a blunt smell and sight.  The inside of my pumpkin has now completely turned to a moldy mess, dripping in soggy condensation. Well, in accordance with Halloween, it is defiantly a much scarier sight than before, however, this is one scary sight I do not want in my room any longer. I confess that it is time to take out my rotten pumpkin and am reminded to have patience next year, so that maybe my pumpkin will actually last all the way through to Halloween. 

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